Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Little Extra Pet Care For Diwali Will Make Their Celebration Joyful

Dog care in Diwali, Dog care, Pet care, Online pet shop, Pet store India, Indianpetstore, best care tips for Dogs in Diwali, Dog care store India 
Diwali is the festival of lights when fireworks and noises are just inevitable. But you must notice that your pets get frightened with this situation and they must be babied during this period. As pet’s hearing power is quite strong, these noises become excruciating for them and may lead to behavior problems in them.

The common behavioral problems caused due to these noises include destructive behaviors, desire of escaping, hiding under something, anxiety, shaking, howling, excessive barking, trembling and excessive drooling. And to fend off these problems every pet owner must take little extra care of pets. 

Pet Care Ideas For Diwali:
  • Make your dog familiar with different types of sounds as a part of its training. It will prevent the problem to enough extent at first place. Help your pooch understand new changes and make it comfortable with these changes.
  • You can give its favorite food treat or its favorite dog toy to take its focus away from the outside noises. Keep a provision of the same prior to Diwali for which you can go for online pet shopping too. IndianPetStore is the perfect online pet store to buy almost all the pet supplies. And the good news is that you can buy pet products with Diwali discount which is going to start on 1st November and end on 15th November.
  • Try to distract it by playing with it or by turning on TV or radio so that he or she won’t experience the intensity of the outside noises.
  • If you are taking it for a walk on every evening, just make sure that you return at home before firework starts and also make it stay inside the home only. But it doesn’t mean that you have to keep it alone, or else it will increase its fears. 
  • Keep doors and windows closed if possible which will reduce the noise intensity and mask sounds.
  • If your pooch is too much sensitive to noises, take help of your vet who will suggest the medications if required to control its behavior.
Deliberate above tips to take extra pet care during Diwali. Remember that pet safety is an important concern during the festive season and help your companion in all possible ways to celebrate Diwali with Joy.

1 comment:

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