But the trend of making dogs wear shoes has been increasing slowly. Dogs may look silly if they are made to wear show but not an more as they play a great role in protecting your dog’s feet.
If we like our pooch wearing shoes, they may not like it as they may chew them or pull them off. Thus shoes are becoming a popular canine accessory. So the best question as to whether your dog requires shoes and of what type depends on many factors.
- Dogs walking and running on extreme weather conditions like freezing cold or ice or in very hot temperature may be required to protect their paws.
- Dogs working on hard dangerous surfaces may be required to protect their legs from broken glass or any other objects and may be required to wear shoes.
- Dogs suffering from spine injuries may need shoes as they may hurt it while walking dragging their feet.
- Dogs taking part in sports event may also need to protect their feet and hence may require shoes.
Dogs do not like to wear shoes in general, hence care should be taken to buy such shoes which do not put undue pressure on their feet and makes walking and movement with ease without causing blisters or sores in its feet. One should ensure that it is made of soft, flexible material with adjustable straps to make walking a pleasure for your pet friend.
Pet owners should take time to introduce shoes to their dog gently by making them wear it for few minutes every day and gradually increase the time of wearing it once it gets used to it initially.
They should also not forget to reward the pet each time it wears it for few minutes so as to reinforce the habit of wearing shoes in it.
Pet owners should take time to introduce shoes to their dog gently by making them wear it for few minutes every day and gradually increase the time of wearing it once it gets used to it initially.
They should also not forget to reward the pet each time it wears it for few minutes so as to reinforce the habit of wearing shoes in it.
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