Friday, 30 August 2013

Tips For Making Pet Friendly Cleanliness

Dogs, Cats, Dog care, Cat care, Dogs and Cats, Dog house, cat house
Having pets in your house makes you do extra cleaning as compared to not having them. We have to look after our kittens, puppies, pooch and cat like our kids. From their toys to their food bowls, we need to clean everything. It often increases our monthly budget and we therefore hesitate little bit to purchase the products required for cleaning.

But the good news is that you can achieve this with some simple products without wasting too much money. Cleaning is important aspect of pet health and to keep them infection or disease free. Below are some tips that will help you achieve the same.
Some tips to use pet friendly products for cleaning:

Wash the floor of the kitchen and bathroom with white vinegar which is one of the best dis-infecting agents. You can also dilute it with some water and then use it. And then be relaxed even if pet licks the food dropped on the floor!

You can sprinkle baking soda with the flour sifter on the carpet in your home. Keep it for 15-20 minutes after sprinkling and then go for vacuuming. It will remove all the dirt from the carpet. For freshness, you can even add some essential fragrance oil to the baking soda before sprinkling.

With a plastic spray bottle, sprinkle some white vinegar on the toilet bowl without missing walls and seat. After that, sprinkle some baking soda and then some water. Keep it for several minutes and then brush. Vinegar is a non-toxic disinfectant, the smell of which doesn’t let your pet to do unwanted things.

Use isopropyl alcohol for cleaning the mirror and windows. Alternatively, diluted or undiluted white vinegar can also be used.

Castile soap is made from vegetable oils instead of synthetic oils, so it is quite safe for use. It can be used on the floors, kitchen or bathroom. Many people prefer to use it as a pet shampoo too.

Use these pet friendly products to clean your house and to keep your feline friends safe.

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Learn dog grooming tips that will add a professional touch to your pooch’s look

Dog grooming, pet grooming, Dog grooming kit, Dog grooming products,Dog grooming kit, Dog grooming tips
The grooming requirement for a cat and dog is different from all aspect. It is a fact that when the grooming process is not carried out properly then it will lead to improper dog care and consequently the dog will be subjected to many diseases. So learn dog grooming tips and ensure that you don’t miss out on any aspect.

Choose the right grooming tool for your pet. Every breed of dog as well as cats has different type of coat and thus the grooming tool must be selected accordingly. This will clean the dog’s hair appropriately eliminating flea and ticks as well.

Use the right kind of de-shedding tool so that there is considerable reduction in the hair fall. After shampooing the dog followed with a good conditioner, its fur must be dried out properly. Only after that use the de-shedding   tool so that it gives the best results.

In case the dog has developed tangles and matt, then it is better to first brush its hair and then use the de-shedding tool. This will not hurt the dog as well as bristles of the de-shedding tool will not break.

Dog grooming session will be fun filled only when you make the dog relaxed while grooming it. If the dog is not relaxed then it will develop a negative attitude towards grooming. The brushing session can be divided into two parts if the dog is not ready to carry on with the entire process at once.

It is better to feed the dog right food so that its coat shows a natural shine. If its diet and health are not appropriate then its coat will not shine properly for sure.

Grooming the dog is not just about using the right tool. It involves an overall process where the dog’s physical exercise, diet as well as taking care of its overall health also matters. So follow these grooming tips and take care of overall health of the pooch.

Sunday, 25 August 2013

Few tips for properly feeding the puppy

Dog food, Puppy food, Dog nutrition, puppy nutrition
Puppies are too adorable and one cannot resist loving and pampering them. Puppies are in their growing stage and this is the time to properly train them, give them the right food so that there is no compromise in their health.

Feeding is very crucial in making a puppy healthy. Just feeding a good quality food is not enough, there are other considerations as well, let’s look at these.

Puppy feeding tips 

Always keep fresh water available
Most people serve wet food to dog, by consuming wet food the moisture required by the dog is fulfilled hence it requires less water. However irrespective of this fact, fresh water must always be available to puppies as they will require additional water.

Do not refill half empty bowl

If the pet has not eaten its entire meal then do not keep the bowl after meal time is over. This will make it eat more than the desired quantity and it will more often require relieving itself.

Do not feed cold food

Never feed cold food to the dog taking it out directly from the fridge. The puppy/dog will be develop cold and fever, always allow the food to reach room temperature and then only feed it to the pooch.

Do not feed leftovers

The dog must never be fed leftovers from the table. This not only increases its food intake but also dis-balances the nutritional intake of the pet.


Appropriate pet care is only possible when the dog is given the right treat at the right time. For instance dental treat is not meant to be given every day and it is not a substitute for regular meal so it must not be given to the pooch on daily basis.

There are small treats which are given to the dog after it completes a training process, or spends quality time in crate but these treats must not be given every time it will spoil its diet, and health of course.

These were some basic tips that have to be considered while feeding the puppy. A puppy is no less than a child so it must be handled with right love, care and training.

Friday, 23 August 2013

Ensure that you are selecting healthy dog food

Dog food must be very healthy and filled with nutrition. Dogs suffer from various health problems and this is mostly because of a bad diet. Now day there are various types of dog food available but not all may have the required nutrition that is required by a pooch. Here are some tips which will help you buy the best dog food to ensure complete health care to your pooch.

Ideal dog food ratio 50:50 meat and veggies

Good quality dog food must contain 50% veggies ingredient and 50% meat. While buying packed dog food ensure that it fulfills this requirement, it must not have cheap fillers like wheat, grain or corn. Buying dog food from a leading online pet store will guarantee you this quality.

The ingredient must have more quality meat

Meat is no doubt a very good source of protein and a multivitamin source. One must always check that the ingredients in the dog food have more quantity of meat ingredient than other ingredients.

Go for brand

You must always buy dog food from a reputed brand. Any other types of local made packed dog food will never be good for your pooch at any cost. More over a brand has its reputation and guarantees safety to the pooch at all cost.

It is suggested to all pet lovers that they must always buy pet products from reputed brands so that there is no compromise in the health of pets. Leading online pet stores always ensures that there is a safe gate way of purchase. One must always read customer review and then only trust a product in order to ensure that pet’s health is not compromised.

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Some common skin diseases in cats due to food allergies

Skin allergy in cats is common due to indigestion of food to which the cat is allergic. Commonly known as dermatologic food reaction, it causes severe itching and other discomfort.

The main reason for such food intolerance is due to non-immunologic idiosyncratic reaction which occurs as a result of toxic effect of certain ingredients in the food. Here are some common skin diseases that occur in cats as a result of consuming food which does not suit them.
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Extensive itching and redness in any part of the body
  • Frequent bowel movement
  • Dead skin flakes will tend to come out
  • Itchiness may cause which is absolutely non-seasonal
  • Pustule- Pus formation beneath the skin that will cause skin inflammation
  • Erythema- Redness if the skin accompanied with itching
  • Plaque- raised, broad flat area of the skin
  • Baldness of the skin due to excessive itching and accompanied scratching
  • Skin sores due to scratching
  • Frequent bowl movement, gas passing and too much gut sounds
  • Elongated mark resembling giant wheel like appearance over the skin
  • Inflamed or swollen bumps over the skin
  • Pyotraumatic dermatitis which is a bacterial infection caused due to excessive scratching
Food hypersensitivity may cause poor response to any kind of anti-inflammatory dose that the cat may be given.  This is why special care must to taken before feeding the cat any kind of food. Care must be taken not to feed the cat any food unless properly studying the possible reaction that the cat may suffer as a result of consumption of the food.
These were some skin diseases that the cat may suffer from after consuming food that has caused allergic reaction in the pet. One must immediately rush the cat to a vet so that proper precautions and medications can be taken.
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