Monday, 27 May 2013

Dog Training Secrets for Aggressive Dog

Dog Training Secrets for Aggressive Dog

 Aggressive nature is a common tendency of the dog. Generally it starts to show at the puppy stage, but dog owner didn’t realize at that time. This leads to aggressive nature such as biting, growling, lunging and snapping. Sometime physical injuries may cause dogs to bite or snap. This all issues must be corrected at an early stage. For this I have mentioned few dog training secrets for aggressive dogs.
  • The most common reason separation anxiety or fear induced aggression in dogs. Dogs are alone for many hours, this leads to separation anxiety which can cause aggressive behavior. You can correct this by spending some time with your dog. If dogs not responding to you you can try anti-anxiety medicine with the help of pet vet.
  • If you own two or more dogs of similar or different breed, they can fight with each other, this may lead to aggressive nature of the dog. To avoid this, keep them separate in different cages. Train them for daily basic activities and familiar them with each other.
  • Dogs may show territorial aggression i.e. dog shows aggressiveness towards unfamiliar members or unfamiliar pets. Dog tend to bite them, so to avoid this situation, socialize your dog with them. It might take some time but you have to discipline them.
  • Another great dog training secrets is don’t pull a tail or paw of dog. Dogs cannot understand what is happening behind them. If you pull tails, dog may react quickly and even can bite you. So don’t play with dogs by pulling tails or paws and keep off this serious situation.
  • Keep engage your dog with dog toys. Give training to your dog about how to play with dog toys. Use bone toys, squeaker toys, interactive dog toys etc.
     Always keep this in mind dog training secrets will work for you, if you understand your dog's nature. Spend daily some time with the dog and play with them.

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