Thursday, 18 April 2013

Why dog meaty treat is so essential

Why dog meaty treat is so essential

 There has always been a debate as to why dogs must be given mea. The fact is that dogs are hunters by nature and they derive all the nutritional value only through non vegetarian food. Vitamin b12 is found only in meat and fish and when the dog is deprived of this, they land up into many problems.

     One friend was a vegetarian and she used to feed her dog veg food. The immune system of dog gradually became very weak and it developed many health related problems. It was seen that it does not matter how much vegetables and fruits she use to feed her dog, the dog could not regain its health.

     She was very worried, she took the dog to the vet, and the vet after examining the dog suggested her to give the dog meat and fish.

     After the dog got meaty treats, it was seen that it slowly regained its weight and health as well. She was really amazed to see this change in the dog and she was very happy in seeing this.

     After that, she started believing that meat is an essential thing and the dog must not be deprived of it. She also realized that if someone is vegetarian it does not mean that he should also force the dog to be vegetarian.

     This is accepted by most vets that dogs must not be given only vegetables, they must be given non-veg for sure. If one cannot make meat, then they can buy ready-made meaty treats and feed to the dog. Ready-made meaty treats are very good and keeps the dog encouraged and active. There are many top companies that provide meaty treats at very less price and thus one must not deprive the dog.

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