Monday 29 April 2013

Adult Dog Training Guide

Adult Dog Training Guide

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Dog Training
We generally give training to dogs at puppy age but some time dog need to be trained at adult age for various purposes. This will help to perform special tasks. The advantage of adult dog training is dogs are well mature and can be easily controlled.

Following adult dog training guide will help you to train your adult dog.

1) Do medical examination:  The first thing you have to do is dog’s medical examination by pet vet. Look for disease, diagnose those and take actions to correct them. Use medical treatment if required. Make dog free from all diseases.

2) Use a Crate and not choke chain: Assume your dog is a puppy and then start training. Start training using crate; it will give you good control on dogs. Keep dog in a crate when you are not able to supervise him. Never use choke chains , it may cause injuries or dog may become more aggressive. Instead of choke chain use dog harness.

3) Give lots of treats: Always reward your dog after completion of a training session by giving treats, this will inspire dog to perform better.

4) Be patience: Adult dog may not obey orders given by you, but don’t be angry, have patience and repeat the order until dog follows it. Don’t punish the dog for mistakes but also make sure that misbehavior must be corrected. Never encourage dog for wrong behavior; it will create problems for you.

5) Set rules: Always try to have session less than 15 minutes per day. Familiar dog with your home and home surroundings and then start training. Teach simple task in early stages and then teach difficult tasks. Try to manage sessions before lunch or breakfast. Use a variety of dog toys and dog accessories for better results.  All these rules will help dog owners to complete a successful training session.

These are quick facts about adult dog training guide, you can use this trick during training of your dogs and you will get good results.

Buy Here : Dog Activity Tunnel  | Visit Us : Pet Shop | Read More : Dog Training Tips

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