Tuesday, 30 April 2013

How Raw Dog Food is right for your dog


Dog Food, Dog Treats Online, Best Dog Food, Dog Food Store, Dog Food India, Pet Store, Pet Shop, Pet Supplies, Pet Products, Wholesale Pet Supplies
Dog Food
Raw Dog Food is considered as safe and healthiest food for your dog because it is fresh, whole and unprocessed. Raw Dog Food has become popular but there are no strong evidences yet.

There are some controversies with this raw food claimed by some research groups.

What is Raw Dog Food?

Raw Dog Food consists only uncooked fruits, vegetables, legumes, and meat Developed by Dr. Ian Billinghurst, it is also called as the BARF diet which stands for Biologically Appropriate Raw Food or Bones And Raw Food.

How Raw Dog Food beneficial?

As a human being dog also needs a complete diet consisting of all essential nutrients from various sources. These have multiple benefits for dogs such as.

Considered as healthiest :

As these foods are from natural sources and unprocessed, they do not contain any preservatives so the health risks due to added chemicals can be avoided.

Uncooked food :

Raw food also contains natural enzymes which can be affected by cooking or processing process. In raw food these enzymes remains unaffected which plays an important role in digestion and nutrient absorption.

Dog need raw meat :

Dogs are carnivorous animal loves to eat raw food products such as meat, chicken, fish, beef, pork, lamb etc. Processed food

Rich source of nutrients :

Raw dog foods are a rich source of proteins, vitamins, minerals, amino acids etc. from natural sources.

Prevents from cancer :

Processed food contains some added chemicals which may cause cancers. Beef or pork may also cause cancers. But raw food minimizes these chances of cancer.

Improves overall health:

A raw dog food diet helps to prevent from various diseases such as obesity, allergies, diabetes, cancer, heart disease and so many. It gives shinier coats,healthier skin, more lean muscle and less fat.

These are some reasons why you should feed your dog raw dog food. But the best person who can advise you is pet vet, consult with them and then decide your dog regime.

Visit Us:Pet Store | Buy here : Dog Treats Online  | Read More : Balanced Dog Food

Natural Dog Food: Health benefits of Natural Dog Food

Dog Food, Best Dog Food, Dog Food Store, Dog Food India, Pet Store,Pet Shop, Pet Supplies, Pet Products, Pet Supplies, Wholesale Pet Supplies, Online Pet Store, Online Pet Shop
Dog Food
The latest trend in dog food is Natural Dog Food because most of pet owner believes that commercial dog food may be harmful to dogs. Most of the commercial products contain preservatives, coloring agents and other chemical for different purposes which may cause digestive problem, skin problem or carcinogenic problems also. To overcome this issue Natural Dog Food is being used.

There are various health benefits of it, these are.

Maintains healthy weight:

Natural Dog Food contains no fats and adequate amount of calorie which helps to maintain healthy weight. If the dog is obese then proper diet plan with natural foods will help to reduce weight also. A healthy weight will keep the dog away from diseases like diabetes, joint pain and back problems.

Stronger Immune system:

Natural Dog Food will help to boost the immune system. All the nutrients will build and maintain immune system to fight against bacteria and viruses which will save expenses on medicines. This is the best natural way to keep dog healthy.

No digestive problems:

Many dogs may have digestive problems because of chemicals in processed food. Feeding Natural Dog Food to dog will keep away all digestive disorders.

Lower cancer risks:

Some of preservatives and coloring agents may lead to cancers in dogs. Consumption of natural food will lower the chances of cancer.

Stronger hearts:

Natural foods do not contain extra fat and lipids in it which will keep heart healthy. It will also improve the functioning of heart.

No Food and skin allergies:

One of the best advantages of feeding natural dog food is there are less chances of food allergies to dogs. Skin problems are also minimized. This will improve skin functioning and shiny coat.

Quality of life Improves:

The balance of all nutrients will keep dogs healthy and happy. There are fewer chances of diseases for dog. So the overall quality of dog life improves.

Visit Us : Pet Shop | Buy Here : Dog Treats Online | Read More : Balanced Dog Food 

Monday, 29 April 2013

Adult Dog Training Guide

Adult Dog Training Guide

Dog Training, Dog Activity Tunnel, Buy Dog Activity Tunnel,Pet Store, Pet Shop, Online Pet Store, Online Pet Shop, Pet Products
Dog Training
We generally give training to dogs at puppy age but some time dog need to be trained at adult age for various purposes. This will help to perform special tasks. The advantage of adult dog training is dogs are well mature and can be easily controlled.

Following adult dog training guide will help you to train your adult dog.

1) Do medical examination:  The first thing you have to do is dog’s medical examination by pet vet. Look for disease, diagnose those and take actions to correct them. Use medical treatment if required. Make dog free from all diseases.

2) Use a Crate and not choke chain: Assume your dog is a puppy and then start training. Start training using crate; it will give you good control on dogs. Keep dog in a crate when you are not able to supervise him. Never use choke chains , it may cause injuries or dog may become more aggressive. Instead of choke chain use dog harness.

3) Give lots of treats: Always reward your dog after completion of a training session by giving treats, this will inspire dog to perform better.

4) Be patience: Adult dog may not obey orders given by you, but don’t be angry, have patience and repeat the order until dog follows it. Don’t punish the dog for mistakes but also make sure that misbehavior must be corrected. Never encourage dog for wrong behavior; it will create problems for you.

5) Set rules: Always try to have session less than 15 minutes per day. Familiar dog with your home and home surroundings and then start training. Teach simple task in early stages and then teach difficult tasks. Try to manage sessions before lunch or breakfast. Use a variety of dog toys and dog accessories for better results.  All these rules will help dog owners to complete a successful training session.

These are quick facts about adult dog training guide, you can use this trick during training of your dogs and you will get good results.

Buy Here : Dog Activity Tunnel  | Visit Us : Pet Shop | Read More : Dog Training Tips

Why is dog care so essential during summer

Why is dog care so essential during summer

Dog care, Dog care tips, Dog Health Tips, Dog Summer Care, Pet Store, Pet Shop, Pet Supplies, Wholesale Pet Supplies, Pet Products
Dog Health
Summer is no doubt a very tough time and this is why one must take very good care of dogs during summer. The reason for this is dogs do not have sufficient sweat pores to keep themselves cool so they face a very tough time keeping themselves cool.

Here are some dog care tips that one must follow very strictly during summer.

1) Keep sufficient water : One must keep sufficient water in the dog bowl and that too 24/7 so that anytime the dog feels thirsty he can have water. One must also train the dog do that he does not dirty the house, as it is very natural that frequent drinking water will create a tendency to urinate often.

2) Shady area :  The next thing about dog care during summer is to prepare shady areas in the garden lawn wherever the dog spends time. The dog may like to rest and not always play in Sun. The dog must not be taken to walk after Sunset or early in the morning. In most places, Sun becomes so harsh that the dog suffers a lot if taken out for walks when the Sun is high.

3) Fan cooler or air conditioner : We all need air cooler, air conditioner during summer and our dogs need the same. However make sure that never place the dog’s bed directly in front of the air cooler or air conditioner as otherwise it will catch cold very easily. If the dog feels uncomfortable, it will show the same by its behavior.

If you feel the need to take a light blanket in an air conditioner room then make sure that you provide the same to the dog as well. You must be very careful not to let the dog stay out in hot weather.
During after noon, bring it indoor and do not tie it outside.If the dog has suffered from heat stroke the immediately pour cold water over it, give it water to drink and immediately take it to the vet.

These were some basic tips for keeping your dear adorable pooch cool during summer. 

Buy Here : Dog Products Online | Visit Us : Pet Store | Read More : Dog Training Tips

The Dog Crate Makes It Easier to Travel With Your Pet

Online Dog Crates - Indian pet Store

The Crates are specially designed to imitate dog's natural den.The most usual reason to use a crate is for taking Dogs in car for traveling, toilet training, exhibiting them at a dog show .The crates  are beneficial as they avoid the dogs from jumping around while traveling which leads to some major accidents. 

You can buy dog crate Online from Indian Pet Store for complete satisfaction here  - http://www.indianpetstore.com/dog/crates-cages.html

Indian Pet Store (Dog Store + Cat Store) is an online pet shop in India which supplies a variety of Pet Products for your dogs and cats at discount prices and free shipping. Visit Indian Pet Store Today !!!!

Friday, 26 April 2013

How to take care Labrador puppies

How to take care Labrador puppies

 Labrador is one of the most famous breed known for its innocent and fun loving nature. As an owner of Labrador puppy you should feel proud of this thing. They normally can live for 15 years and to get maturity they need 3 years of span. Up to 3 years they are considered as a kid and then as an adult. Labrador is low cost maintenance pet with full of energy and a lot of fun to play with them. So the care of Labrador puppies should be taken properly.

     Caring for your new Labrador puppy is a big responsibility but it should also be fun not just a duty. You may have to consider a few more things about the care of Labrador puppies these are as follows

     Labrador puppy seems like they are always hungry. But this is not the case, they have a very good appetite; because of these chances of becoming obese are much higher. Best thing to approach this is consult with pet vet and decide diet plan.

     Labrador puppies are great lovers of kids, so if you have kids at home, allow them to play. They love playing and spending time with people, so never leave them alone for a long time. They are kind of non-noisy type but they might bark at anything on the street, sidewalk, etc. They have great sense of smell so allow them to sniff of things to keep them busy.

     Routine vaccination for a reliable flea treatment, parasite treatment and heartworm may be recommended by pet vet. They generally suffer from elbow and hip dysplasia. They may also have problems with their eyes. So try to get accurate treatment if required.

     Do daily walks and exercise to keep them healthy and active. Play with them. Give lots of toys for different kind of exercise.

     Maintain proper hygiene and personal care. Use grooming kit for better results. Also give them adequate training such as sit, go, catch, etc.

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Fleas & ticks- Let's cure it before it’s too late

Fleas & ticks- Let's cure it before it’s too late

  Amongst many of the problems, issues, diseases or the ailments faced by dogs during their lifespan, it could easily be said that fleas & ticks are one of the major problem creators for them.

     Yes, fleas & ticks are such menacing infestations based issues in the form of larvae and eggs that do not let an innocent dog to stay in peace. When a dog is said to be affected from the blues of fleas & ticks, his overall life goes for a toss as he is not able to carry on with normal life activities as he used to before and becomes a picture of sorry state.

     A dog that used to enjoy playing with children, going out with their owners to different places such as shopping, morning and evening walks and many more places, enjoying meals every time, all of a sudden stops behaving in a good way and opts to be in isolation with scratching of his entire body becoming a routine affair.

     Once these activities are noticed in a dog, he must be taken to a vet doctor and get tested for fleas & ticks and once it’s confirmed; only a side-effects free flea medication must be taken to ensure that there occur absolutely no blemishes when taken local medication.

     Yes, this is because of the fact that taking local flea medication could prove fatal as they could be laced with agents to cause side-effects such as Lyme’s disease and Tapeworms and much more too already aggravate a bad condition of fleas & ticks.

     Thus, given the kind of atrocities fleas & ticks does on dogs, it becomes really dutiful for a concerned dog lover to quickly make all required decisions to cure it and bring back their pooches to the basics of life sooner than later.

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Visit Us at :- Online pet store | Buy here :- Anti tick wash

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Raw dog food Vs Commercial dog food

Raw dog food Vs Commercial dog food

Dog Food safety is a much debatable topic. Many people believe that raw food is safe as it contains raw unprocessed meat, chicken, fish, fruits and vegetable from natural sources only. While many people think that commercial product are much better and safer because they complete food, contains all nutrients. But there are advantages and disadvantages of both types of dog food.

     Commercial dog food: Commercial products are processed and contain added nutrients to make it as complete food. This is most widely used and available in every dog store. You can mix with other food products to achieve daily nutritional need. If you are feeding commercial product then you don’t need to feed dog supplement. But the problem with this food is it has added chemical in it for different purposes which can cause cancer or other diseases. These are less expensive and easy to handle also.

     Raw dog food: Raw dog food unprocessed and do not contain any chemicals so the risk of chemicals is avoided. These are rich sources of nutrients such as proteins, vitamins and minerals. This helps to improve health of dog by many ways. But problem with this food is they may carry some bacteria with them which may cause disease in dog as well as in human. They are expensive also. Long term use may lead to nutritional deficiencies and detrimental health effects.

     Which is the best dog food?  Every type of dog breed has special diet requirement so approach to dog breeder to fix dog regime. Many research studies have proved that the nutritive value of Raw dog food is low so long term use of raw dog food must be avoided. No any type of dog food is healthy. We have to use both types of food on a daily basis to achieve nutritional need. This will help to keep dogs healthy for the long run.

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Importance of dog training equipment’s

Importance of dog training equipment’s

Training equipment’s is necessary for every pet owner who wants to make their pet trained for different purposes. Everyone loves to have trained and well behaved pet at home and to do so they requires proper training equipment’s such as dog collars, dog cages and other essential products such as leashes and dog training pads.

     Buy all the pet accessories which are important to boost the stamina of your pet which includes dog food, nutritional supplements and dog cages. Yes all these products will ensure proper stamina and energy levels of your pet.

     Dog training is easy with dog collars and dog cages as collars will help owners to keep control of the behavior of pet and dog cages will help them to get prepared for training sessions.

     Training your dog will be fun with the help of dog collars as you can walk, run and jump with the speed of your pet. If you want to experience this super fabulous moment then avail strong and sturdy dog collars from Indian Pet Store. This is one stop destination for all your needs.

     This Indian Pet Store offers various pet accessories which are essential for the health of your dog. Visit this online shop and know more about the pet accessories which you can avail to provide a better life for your pet.

     Dog training in behavioral and daily purpose is common and can be easily taught to pets at home, so why you are wasting your time to make your pet intelligent, buy best of dog training equipment’s available at Indian Pet store today.

     Indian Pet Store also provides flea control products, dog foods, grooming equipment and dog feeding bowls as well, visit the shop and buy according to your requirement.

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Visit Us at :- Online pets shop | Buy here :- Online Dog collars

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Tips for Dog Obedience Training

Tips for Dog Obedience Training

To have dogs at home is good but it will be more satisfactory to you if you have a dog trained for good behavioral habits e.g. Dog Obedience Training. Dogs are habitual pets, loves to hear your commands if you train them well. So Dog Obedience Training should be given to your dog. At a puppy age you should start training dog for better understanding and better results because to train adult dogs is very tough job.

     Dog Obedience Training will improve your dog’s lifestyle. Some basic training will train dogs how to behave in specific conditions. This will also help you to correct misbehave of dog. The bond between you and the dog will be stronger during training sessions. Because of these other reasons also obedience training is must for dogs.

What you need in Dog Obedience Training?

     Before you start giving commands make sure you have certain things with you such as
  • Off course dog
  • An area for practice
  • Leash short and long
  • Dog toys
  • Dog treats to inspire dog
Some tips during Dog Obedience Training:

     During a training session you need to make sure about a few things such as.
  • Don’t expect dog will learn all commands at one time; you may have to try until dog follows your commands.
  • Schedule session in such a way that training will become part of dog life. Best time of training will be before lunch time or before dinner time. Dog will be extra motivated during this time.
  • Don’t plan session for more than 15 minutes per day. The dog may lose interest during longer sessions so avoid this practice.
  • Don’t punish your dog for bad behaviors because punishment may result into fearful, stressed, and destructive behavior.
  • Always give dog treats after completion of every task or command. This will inspire dog to behave better.
  • And last but not least always end the training session at positive end. This will keep the training session fun for you and your dog.
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Small foldable dog cage to make your pet feel comfortable in summer

Small foldable dog cage to make your pet feel comfortable in summer

Small foldable dog cage isn’t it exciting to put your little pooch in this foldable and movable dog cage. This is a good idea to spend summer vacation with your little darling around you all time. Yes with this small foldable dog cage you can travel with your pet, can go for trips and can put them where ever you want.

     Dog cages are old concept and have intelligent and emotional thought behind it. These are necessary to provide comfort to your pet and to train them for behavioral rules. And that’s the reason that every pet owner should buy this amazing dog cage.

     This small foldable dog cage will make sure all the coziness for your pet in summer, winters as well in the rainy season. If you have any issue related to this small foldable dog cage, then visit the blog of Indian Pet Store and view the video of assembling this small dog cage.

     It is an extremely light weighted cage and made of non-toxic material and hence your pet can also chew and lick it. Cages are the latest fashion statement as well with this colorful small foldable dog cage you can make your other friends feel jealous. Give them the addresses of Indian Pet Store so that they can also avail this small foldable dog cage in honor of their pet.

     Indian Pet Store also makes available latest type of dog cage for different purposes. Travel cage, nylon dog cage and more. This stop is the perfect shop to avail other pet accessories which are necessary for your pet to lead healthy day to day life.

     Bring smiles for your pet so that he can understand how much you love and care for them. Buy the wonderful pet accessories and give feel good factor to your pet.

100% satisfaction and reliable service only at Indianpetstore

Visit Us at :- Online Dog Store India | Buy here :- Online Dog cage

Friday, 19 April 2013

Dog Harness or Dog Collar: Which is the best choice for your pet

Dog Harness or Dog Collar: Which is the best choice for your pet

 Dog owners always wonder that which is the best tool for them Dog Harness or Dog Collar? These both are made up of same material and serve the same purpose attaching your dog to a leash. Dog Harness and Dog Collar have its own features and benefits. But still one question arises which is superior?

     There are several factors which decide the best options to buy Dog Harness or Dog Collar such as. The most important thing is your goal of using Dog Harness or Dog Collar. There may be several reasons such as to control dog, to identify dog, to perform outdoor activity, to travel with a dog etc. The right choice will depend on the type of activity dog is supposed to do and other physical conditions such as.

     Training Purpose: Dog Collar is the best option for training purpose. During training dog need to be controlled to obey some instructions. Dog Harness doesn’t give you enough control during these situations. Some big dogs cannot be controlled by a harness.

     Medical conditions: Certain medical condition need special attention such as respiratory diseases need dog to be attached to Dog Harness only. During this condition dog may have problems in breathing and dog collar may worsen this condition. Dog harness during medical conditions will give dog support.

     Travelling: During travelling dog harness will prevent a dog from free movement such as jumping, pulling. You can also attach dog harness to seatbelt to keep your dog safe and secure during travelling.

     So the decision to use Dog Harness or Dog Collar will be dependent upon several factors. Also you have to consider type of dog breed and purpose of having dogs. If you have dog for security purpose then dog collar is the better option. Remember Harness and Collar both has importance for different things but final selection will depend on the goal you have.

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Visit Us at:- pet Shop | Buy here:- Dog harness

Best dog food and pet accessories are important for your dog

Best dog food and pet accessories are important for your dog

 Dog lovers get ready to give an amazing journey of life to your lovable pets as the Indian pet store is all set to provide the best of pet accessories and nutritious food for your pet. Yes, to lead a healthy life your pet needs essential nutrition’s and Indian Store offers number of dog food to pamper the health of your pet.

     Pet accessories such as dog grooming kit, flea control products and dog cages and training equipment’s including dog collars are the expertise of Indian Pet Store. One can order whatever their requirement about the pets, as Indian Pet Store offers all the required accessories with free shipping facility.

     Best dog food is essential to manage the health of your pet and with these supplements offered by Indian Pet store Indian Pet Store guarantees the great health for your pet.
  • Beaphar Top 10 Multivitamin Tablet - 60 Tablets
  • Pet Care ProviBoost drops
  • Pet-O-Vit drops - Multi Vitamin supplement 30 ml
  • Himalaya Liv 52 Vet Liquid- 110 ML
     Beaphar Top 10 Multivitamin Tablet - 60 Tablets are best supplements as they promote vitality and makes dogs stronger. This tablet also makes sure the healthy heart and strong muscles of your pooch. Beaphar tablets improve skin coat condition as well.

     Avail these wonderful health supplements for your pet and boost their energy to carry out all the hard training session that you provide them and to look at their best throughout the day.

     Pet accessories like dog cage, dog collars and dog foods are best selling products of Indian Pet Store. If you want to take good care of your pet then visit this Indian Pet Shop, search and buy the best pet accessories for your cute pie.

100% satisfaction and reliable service only at Indianpetstore

Visit Us at :- Dog Shop | Buy here :- Dog accessories India

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Why dog meaty treat is so essential

Why dog meaty treat is so essential

 There has always been a debate as to why dogs must be given mea. The fact is that dogs are hunters by nature and they derive all the nutritional value only through non vegetarian food. Vitamin b12 is found only in meat and fish and when the dog is deprived of this, they land up into many problems.

     One friend was a vegetarian and she used to feed her dog veg food. The immune system of dog gradually became very weak and it developed many health related problems. It was seen that it does not matter how much vegetables and fruits she use to feed her dog, the dog could not regain its health.

     She was very worried, she took the dog to the vet, and the vet after examining the dog suggested her to give the dog meat and fish.

     After the dog got meaty treats, it was seen that it slowly regained its weight and health as well. She was really amazed to see this change in the dog and she was very happy in seeing this.

     After that, she started believing that meat is an essential thing and the dog must not be deprived of it. She also realized that if someone is vegetarian it does not mean that he should also force the dog to be vegetarian.

     This is accepted by most vets that dogs must not be given only vegetables, they must be given non-veg for sure. If one cannot make meat, then they can buy ready-made meaty treats and feed to the dog. Ready-made meaty treats are very good and keeps the dog encouraged and active. There are many top companies that provide meaty treats at very less price and thus one must not deprive the dog.

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Visit Us at:- pet Supplies | Buy here:- Dogs Meaty treat